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Ezavriel ("EH-ZAV-REE-UL") is a warm-climate continent, located in the northern hemisphere of Eona (World). It has two major two halves, connected by a single, central isthmus.


The Timeline of Ezavriel outlines major events of the continent.


Five nations occupy the continent of Ezavriel: Baohua, Kandallo, the Opirian Alliance, the Wayward Coast, and the Yhoran Empire. Each one controls a different territory, utilizing its unique resources to grow and thrive.

Opirian Alliance

The Opirian Alliance lays in the center of Ezavriel. The alliance is an agreement between many port cities and towns. The most influential settlement in the alliance is Opira.

Yhoran Empire

The Yhoran Empire is the most predominate nation of Ezavriel. It takes up the upper half of eastern Ezavriel. The empire regulates all trade throughout the territory, ensuring any business ultimately benefits the capital, Yhora (City).


To the northwest, the nation of Kandallo sits amongst the Willowdust Woods. Ithilmore is its capital and is built around Eona's hearth: an enormous tree at the heart of the forest.


The Baohua nation lays deep within the Hungry Expanse, a large desert to the southeast. Its capital is Khiton, is a large city built into and surrounded by massive mesas.

Wayward Coast

The smallest nation, the Wayward Coast sits to the southwest of Ezavriel. The nation controls the Wayward Isles, a spatter of small islands off the western coast of Ezavriel, including the seas around them. It's capital and largest port is Esila, located at the base on the peninsula that pokes out of the southwestern tip of Ezavriel.

Points of Interest

There are many key locations throughout the continent. Whether they are well-known historical sites or large geographical locations, any notable ones are detailed below.

Hungry Expanse

The Hungry Expanse is a seemingly endless desert. It lays to the southeast of the continent and is controlled by the Baohua nation.

Mirthvale Swamp

The Mirthvale Swamp are marshlands in western Ezavriel.

Pyretide Islands

The Pyretide Islands are a group of hotpot islands off the southeast coast of the continent. They are home to a number of active volcanoes.

Empty Valley

Empty Valley is a treacherous valley passage, filled with bandits and dangerous beasts. The valley got its name from the empty wagons and supply crates that would come out the other side, if at all.

Faroot Island

Faroot Island is a large island, south of Yalos. It has a very hot climate, due to its location.

Other Locations

Some lesser geographical points of interest include the Wayward Isles: an array of tiny islands scattered across the western seas, the Willowdust Woods: a dense forest that stands to the northwest, and the Sea of Yhor: a large body of water to the northeast.
