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Discovery of the Khitonian River

Reasons to Journey

When Zanapool was founded, Yhoran merchants' main route had them sail down the Zanapool river, then north, heading counter-clockwise around the continent. From there, they would sail west into the Sea of Yhor to Yhora (City). This route, however, took a long time and exposed ships to the dangerous ocean waters.

Eager to find a quicker and safer route, Jaayfin Oakroot II looked to a find an option via land. They knew Zanapool was built into the southern face of a group of mountains, and these were possibly the same mountains that sat south of Adaham.


After getting funding from a wealthy Yhoran merchant, Jaayfin Oakroot II sailed from Yhora (City) to Zanapool. He set out west of Zanapool, staying close to southern edge of mountains.

After experiencing what JJ recounted as "mountain monstrosities", he changed his course to take a wider arc, further from the mountains. This new path, however, exposed the traveler to the dry lands of the Hungry Expanse. Little to Jaayfin's knowledge, the desert was unavoidable, even if he had continued along the base of the mountains.

The journey through the desert was long and arduous. The heat and sands never seemed to end. Unexpectedly, he would be granted a gift from the deities. At first what he believed to be yet another mirage, Jaayfin found the Khitonian River: a large, fresh water river flowing south from the mountains that Zanapool is built from. With this incredible find, Jaayfin extensively documented the river and completed the rest of the journey- reconnecting with the main road that connects Kanta and Adaham.


Jaayfin Oakroot II returned to Yhora (City) with his notes and findings, sending his results to his patron and then releasing it to the public. Although the entire journey took close to a year, Jaayfin Oakroot II's new land route to Zanapool would be much quicker.

Once Jaayfin Oakroot II's findings hit the public, the Yhoran Empire swiftly claimed the land west of Zanapool. Soon, a bridge was built to cross the Khitonian River and many trade routes were established. While some merchants decided to keep their pre-existing sea trade routes, this new land route provided much safer trade throughout the eastern region of the Yhoran Empire, bolstering to economies of Kanta and Adaham.

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