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Baohua ("B-OW-WHO-A") is a nation in the south eastern desert of Ezavriel. Its capital is the mesa city Khiton and is where its chief.

The Baohuan people cherish family and traditions. Their land and history mean everything to them. Every Baohuan from an early age learns tales of the earliest settlers. They learn about the early settlers' resilience against the harsh weather. Generation by generation these tales are passed down.

The Baohuan people are tough and resilient. Living amidst the Hungry Expanse is not a life of comfort or luxury, even for the most well off. They live by learning how their ancestors lived on the same land thousands of years ago. To disrespect how they live, is to disrespect all of the Baohuans before them.

The average Baohuan may come across as stern to the outsider. To Baohuans, however, other nations have not endured as much as their people have. The desert life is not for everyone, not even for all Baohuans.

Even the toughest stone has been cut down by the smallest grain of sand.
One must know when to be as strong as a mountain, and when to be as flexible as the flowing river.


The chief of Baohua is elected through a full democratic vote. Once elected, the chief is able to proclaim his council. The first chief of Baohua established this democratic process to ensure the elected chief will always represent at least a majority of the nation. While this remains true, the vote is usually between a number of prominent houses who hold a great deal of influence throughout Baohua.

To foreign governments, Baohua is rarely regarded. Most dealings between other nations are far from the Hungry Expanse, let alone any desert settlements of Baohua. In addition, communication with the chief is always limited. The only way a government figure can meet the chief of Baohua is to visit Khiton personally. Part of the chief's oath when elected is to remain within Baohua to govern. The oath has never been broken. Chiefs will periodically travel within the nation, to which is regarded as a momentous occasion.

Key Figures

Chief Ykti Solarclaw

Male Leonin

Keysys Starriver, Elder to the Chief

Female Firbolg

Kior Solarclaw, Hand to the Chief

Male Leonin


Meeting the Mesas

The origin of the Baohua nation is that of a folk tale. The first settlers sought refuge in the mesas from the harsh desert winds. The mesas offered a nation protection, not only for the settlers, but for the land within this rocky grove. They created incredibly fertile land, contrary to the rest of the river. This was the beginnings of Khiton.

Forged in the Sun

Another key moment in Baohuan history was the discovery of metal. After the initial settlement, Baohuans began to expand out into the desert. Many lost the battle for survival to the Hungry Expanse, but some, however, managed to establish small outposts.

Not long after mountainside outposts were created, were veins of various metals discovered. Immediately, shafts were built and an industrial boom fell upon Baohua. Metal was initially sent to nearby towns to be refined, then shipped elsewhere to be forged. Weapons, coin, and other objects were created that became a part of everyday life in Baohua. One of the most revolutionary creations was cable. Cables were attached between mesas, and applied with a slick goo from cacti. Baohuans could then effectively zipline from place to place- easily navigating the otherwise crowded settlements.

Interaction from the North

Soon after the Discovery of the Khitonian River, Baohua received contact from other nations of Ezavriel. Citizens were hesitant at first, but gained interest for goods from these distant lands. More and more traders arrived from the Opirian Alliance and Yhoran Empire exchanging goods and cultures.

Changing Neighbors

With the end of Yhoran-Opirian War, Baohua felt the increased presence of their western neighbors, the Opirian Alliance. From the beginning, they had been trying to open the Baohuan doors to trade as much as possible.

After countless, exhaustive negotiations, and even a nationwide vote, a Baohuan airship port was funded and built. Soon an influx of Opirian citizens arrived within the desert capital. Baohua began to generate a degree of tourism- an aspect of society that quickly became a controversial, yet irreversible topic among native Baohuans.

