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Kandallo ("KAHN-DAHL-OH") is the northwest nation of Ezavriel. Its capital is Ithilmore and that is where the Council of Elders reside.

Kandallans value community and peace. First and foremost, they are a people that is close-knit with one another. To call the population of Kandallo, a family, would not be far off. Even those who have never met, would greet each other as old friends. Likewise, social status is rarely conferred. Even the Elders will regard a farmer they pass in the grove or an innkeeper along the trunk.

The nation of Kandallo is known externally for its neutrality. For better or for worse, the Elders usually refuse to send Kandallan forces into a conflict or send aid abroad. For this reason, they are frequently left out of meetings of different nations.


Citizens of Kandallo deeply respect the elders. People consider the elders to know what's best for the nation. The eiders wisdom is trusted and followed by all. While they do not speak for the deities, the elders are seen as deities' chosen.

The knowledge, ideals, and philosophy of the elders are listened by all governments across Ezavriel. From a commoner to a king, in any nation, the presence of an elder is regarded as an high honor.

Key Figures

Aywin Atallin, Elder of Light

Non-binary Human Druid, Lawful Good

Mirabella Gentlethorn, Elder of Creation

Female Orc Druid, Neutral Good

Rolin Sparkleweaver, Elder of Magic

Male Gnome, Neutral Good

Nylin Nahleere, Elder of Life

Female Furbolg, Lawful Good

Ailin Wanderfoot, Elder of Knowledge

Non-binary Wood Elf, Lawful Good


The Settlement

The founders of Kandallo were a small band of skilled casters that were exiled due to people's fear of magic. They roamed the Willowdust Woods in search of a new home. They came across the massive tree, they knew they had been destined by the deities to settle within.

After the initial settlement, the great casters soon found others wandering the woods in search of a place to stay. These people came from all different walks of life, some simple nomads, others exiled like the casters, others wanting to start a new life somewhere else. All were welcomed to the new society.

As the population grew and grew, the small collection of people eventually reached the size of a small town. Revered amongst the settlers, the original group of casters decided to name the town "Ithilmore". They became the first elders.

Blooming into Kandallo

Years passed and Ithilmore's population continued to increase. The elders managed a just distribution of resources, allowing smaller towns throughout the Willowdust Woods to be established. The single tree of Ithilmore soon became the nation of Kandallo.

From its inception, Kandallo has always been self-sufficient. So as the nation grew, all of its trade was conducted internally. Only on the rarest occasions did the elders agree to work with the Yhoran Empire or Opirian Alliance.

Focusing Within

When the Yhoran-Opirian War broke out in 1453, Kandallo remained neutral. This was no surprise to anyone who lived in Ezavriel, as Kandallo was known to rarely deal with external affairs. In place, they focused on strengthening the peoples within their nation and those surrounding it.

Within the same year, Assistant to the Elder of Knowledge: Sontar Raloran, led an expedition to reopen communication with the underdark folk that lived to the north of Ithilmore. Deep in the mountains lived numerous colonies.

Rather than conquering these colonies like the Yhoran Empire would, the Kandallan people decided to lend a hand to work together. They offered resources and services accessible from the surface. Life beneath the mountains was rough. Many underdark folk wished to relocate their burrow elsewhere, but never had the resources to. With this aid, they were able to find more suitable dwellings throughout Kandallo.

Many simply created new underground networks that were nearby towns. A large population however, took interest to the capital. Headed by Sontar, a new district was created within Ithilmore: the Underhallow.


In return, the underdark folk opened up and shared some their own resources with Kandallo- an act that had never been recorded in Kandallan history. Due to its difficult habitats, the underdark was home to many unique resources, unavailable to the surface.

One unique resource was Otrium. Otrium is a magical mineral that, when activated would begin to float above the ground. The larger the quantity, the greater the push into the air. The mineral is shiny with a deep purple hue, almost like obsidian. Once activated, though, it shines bright with lavender light.

Otrium is difficult to mine, however. It is both difficult to see amongst the dark rock, as well as being incredibly sensitive. A careless miner could activate a vein whilst in the wall- throwing debris and the miner with great force.

Kandallans learned Otrium was how people in the underdark would easily transport resources throughout their tunnel systems. Once deposits of Otrium began to trickle above the surface, the elders decided to focus on using Otrium help the general public. Carts and wagons, for example, were built with Otrium beneath them instead of wheels, allowing them to carry more and move more efficiently.

Some people within Kandallo saw Otrium as a way to earn coin. They would acquire batches of Otrium from the underdark, usually via barter or favor, since the underdark folk had little use for coin. Then, they began shipping it elsewhere in Ezavriel. For any major nation, Otrium was extremely valued, so naturally, the Opirian Alliance became their biggest customers.

