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Opirian Alliance

The Opirian ("OH-PEER-EE-AN") Alliance is a collection of ports in the center of Ezavriel. It is capital is Opira, though other notable settlements in the alliance include Yalos and Port Qane. Representatives are elected from each of these major port towns and meet in Opira to form the Opirian Republic. This governing body makes decision for the entire nation, usually in regards to deals with other nations.

Values of the Alliance are that of the individual. From its creation, the power and liberty of the people has been held above the power of the governing body. While a republic was eventually established, as the first pioneers recognized that some form of government was needed, its power is limited. Officials must adequately represent those that elected them, or they will swiftly be replaced.

Whether a citizen dreams of being such representative, or head deckhand, they are sure to know the only way to achieve such goal: through their own will and determination. A lazy worker will be unemployed throughout the alliance.


Elected officials of the republic are respected by most citizens. They are trusted to make fair and just laws, knowing they can be removed if they do otherwise. Most people that live within the alliance seek opportunity and are willing work hard for it. Through their ability to elect their officials, citizens feel their goals and ideals are heard and align with those making the rules.

The Opirian Alliance is placed in the center of Ezavriel. This makes cross-continental trade by other nations almost impossible without dealing with the alliance. Ports cities and towns in the alliance usually act as a middle figure between nations, and thus, can take their cut of the overall deal. Other nations begrudgingly agree, as otherwise no trade would happen at all.

Key Figures

Uga, Representative of Opira

Female Lizardfolk, Neutral Good

Spuruak, Representative of Opira

Non-binary Kenku, True Neutral

Cloud in the Sky (Sky), Representative of Port Qane

Female Tabaxi, Lawful Neutral

Galeon Thunderhoof, Representative of Port Qane

Male Centaur, Lawful Good

Zuhrus Razanath, Representative of Yalos

Male Triton, True Neutral

Emmarie Irf, Representative of Yalos

Female Harengon, Lawful Good


Drafting an Alliance

The Opirian Alliance is relatively young compared to other Ezavriel nations. Each of the main port cities developed on their own for much of their own history. Only when the increasing presence of other nations was felt, did they decide to come together.

At first, the "alliance" was stronger trade between the port cities, as they feared one gaining more power over the others. This, however, proved to weak as each city continued to have full rule over themself. After much hesitation, representatives finally met in Opira, the largest of the port cities, and drafted a doctrine. Once each city approved the doctrine, the Opirian Alliance was officially established.

Growing Focus on Trade

Trade was one focus each major city shared, mainly due to being prominent continental ports. Once the Alliance was established, each port became more specialized. For example, Opira began to provide food to other ports, supported by their vast farms that surrounded the city. Port Qane's proximity to the mountains supplied the alliance with stone and metals. Yalos's shipyards overhauled outdated vessels and allowed the Alliance to assemble an official navy.

The Opirian Navy would quickly become a force known throughout the continent, enabling the Opirian Alliance to grow as a major power.

Post War Alliance

The end of the Yhoran-Opirian War confirmed the Opirian Alliance was now the dominate nation of Ezavriel. Many previously Yhoran Empire towns joined the Opirian Alliance, sending their representatives to Opira. Almost all trade conducted within the continent now dealt with the Opirian Alliance in some way.

The war also marked a new era of Ezavriel. It was now the age of technology. Machines, constructs, and other mechanical inventions popped up all throughout Opirian settlements after the representative shared primitive designs used during the war.

