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Yhoran Empire

The Yhoran ("Y-OR-AN") Empire was the largest and most dominate nation in Ezavriel. It has ruled as a monarchy under the Yhora family for over 2000 years. They govern from their home and capital of their empire: Yhora (City).

The Yhoras have created a stable life for many throughout their empire. They have achieve safety through an abundant military and policies of justice, gaining the trust and support of the populous. For the commoner, the empire is a safe place, far from any roving bandits, plundering pirates, or terrifying monstrosities. The royal family is regarded with celebrity status as the common folk live their wildest dreams vicariously through them.


To the common citizen, the Yhoran Empire is a strong, extensive governing body that gives them opportunity and comfort. As long as laws are followed, people under Yhoran rule can live their lives with little fear of catastrophe and danger.

From its inception, the Yhoran Empire has been able to flourish and be a major nation of Ezavriel. Its immense military power and vast trade networks allow the state to maintain its dominant presence. Dreams of full continental control dance in the minds of every member of the Yhora family. While they wish to eventually rule all across Ezavriel, the royal family recognizes the use of other nations.

Key Figures

King Xuan Vander Yhora

Male High Elf, Lawful Neutral

Queen Nalankilli Yhora

Female High Elf, Lawful Neutral

Thestros Yhora III, Minister of Coin

Male High Elf, True Neutral

Valor Daeren, Assistant of Coin

Male High Elf, Neutral Good

Yolanda Mei, Minister of Transport

Female Dragonborn, Lawful Neutral

Zanba Bronzehorn, Minister of Knowledge

Non-binary Minotaur, True Neutral

Tharisli Ambershield, Minister of Defense

Female Dwarf, Lawful Neutral

Guulum Rubyheart, Minister of Magic

Male Orc, Neutral Good


The Rise of the Yhoran Empire

Thestros Yhora I founded the town of Yhora in what would be known as the Founding of Yhora. He appealed to the populous as a charismatic, and intelligent leader. He preached safety through unity, forming a well-trained army that secured lands all around Yhora (City). Settlers followed the Yhoran army, establishing towns along main routes back to home city.

As these towns grew, their developments promoted Yhora (City), and, not long after, the Yhoras held the first empire of the continent.

Going to War and Fall of the Yhoran Empire

The Yhoran Empire went to war against the Opirian Alliance, which would be named the Yhoran-Opirian War. Ultimately, the Opirian Alliance defeated the Yhoran Empire. The empire's forces were pushed back to their capital, Yhora (City) and peace was negotiated.

The Yhoran-Opirian War marked the end of the Yhoran Empire. What started as a expansive nation that controlled much of Ezavriel, shriveled to a single remaining city. Public opinion of the Yhoras had plummeted, yet they managed to retain rule over the city.

