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Deities of Eona

Greater Deities

There are 13 greater deities within the pantheon. They have either been "born" into the role or spent centuries rising from a lesser one. No mortal has ever and will never met a greater deity. Any interactions with a greater deity come in the form of signs and visions.

Because no one has ever met a greater deity, no one knows what they look like. Artists will always depict them faceless, usually covered up by something. For example, Atal, deity of the sun and light, is commonly shown with the sun as their head. Furthermore, each greater deity is considered genderless and, thus, is inaccurate to be called a god or goddess.

Within each major nation of Ezavriel, many deities are approved and worshipped, but not all. Those generally approved include: Eona, Atal, Unus, Ovara, Thoros, Meralin, and Vhord. Other deities may be allowed by certain nations.


Name Representation Symbol
Atal the sun and light An eight-pointed sun
Eona the world and creation A crossed sickle and blacksmith hammer
Kremmel destruction A crumbling pillar
Kyen vengeance A mask and dagger
Meralin magic A circle of two four-pointed stars
Nokzol tyranny Crossed chains
Oros the undead and decay A partially corroded skull
Ovara life and growth A tree with a thick canopy
Thoros justice A balanced scale
Unus knowledge An open tome
Vhord war Two crossed swords over a shield
Yher death and darkness A gravestone's silhouette in a full moon
Zaas secrets A blood-splattered envelope

Deities List

Atal the Sun Deity

Pronunciation: ("UH-TALL")
Symbol: An eight-pointed sun
Suggested Domains: Life, Light, Nature, Tempest, Trickery
Other Titles: the All-Bright, the Great Sun

Atal is a greater deity of the sun and light.

Eona the Creation Deity

Pronunciation: ("EE-OWN-UH")
Symbol: A crossed sickle and blacksmith hammer
Suggested Domains: Forge, Life, Light
Other Titles: the Creator, the First

Eona is a greater deity of the world and creation.

Kremmel the Destruction Deity

Pronunciation: ("KR-EM-MEL")
Symbol: A crumbling pillar
Suggested Domains: Death, Tempest, War
Other Titles: the City Slayer, the Leveler

Kremmel is a greater deity of destruction.

Kyen the Vengeance Deity

Pronunciation: ("KEE-YEN")
Symbol: A mask and dagger
Suggested Domains: Death, Trickery, Twilight
Other Titles: the Blood-driven, the Selfish

Kyen is a greater deity of vengeance and anarchy.

Meralin the Magic Deity

Pronunciation: ("M-EER-UH-LIN")
Symbol: A circle of two four-pointed stars
Suggested Domains: Arcana, Knowledge
Other Titles: the Wild Mage, the Weavemaster

Meralin is a greater deity of magic.

Nokzol the Tyrannical Deity

Pronunciation: ("NOCK-ZUL")
Symbol: Crossed chains
Suggested Domains: Order, Trickery
Other Titles: the Oppressor, the Undoubted One

Nokzol is a greater deity of tyranny.

Oros the Undead Deity

Pronunciation: ("ORE-UHS")
Symbol: A partially corroded skull
Suggested Domains: Death, Grave, Trickery
Other Titles: the Undying Deity, the Unending

Oros is a greater deity of the undead and decay.

Ovara the Life Deity

Pronunciation: ("OH-VARR-UH")
Symbol: A tree with a thick canopy
Suggested Domains: Life, Light, Nature, Tempest
Other Titles: the Life-bringer, the Great Shepard

Ovara is a greater deity of life and growth.

Thoros the Justice Deity

Pronunciation: ("THOR-UHS")
Symbol: A balanced scale
Suggested Domains: Order
Other Titles: the Ultimate Judge, the Noble, the Just

Thoros is a greater deity of justice.

Unus the Knowledge Deity

Pronunciation: ("Y-EW-NUHS")
Symbol: An open tome
Suggested Domains: Arcana, Knowledge
Other Titles: the All-Knowing, the World's Mentor

Unus is a greater deity of knowledge.

Vhord the War Deity

Pronunciation: ("V-ORD")
Symbol: Two crossed swords
Suggested Domains: Forge, War
Other Titles: the Warrior, the Original Smith

Vhord is a greater deity of war.

Yher the Death Deity

Pronunciation: ("YER")
Symbol: A gravestone's silhouette in a full moon
Suggested Domains: Death, Nature, Tempest, Twilight
Other Titles: the Dark One, the Final Visitor

Yher is a greater deity of death and darkness.

Zaas the Secrets Deity

Pronunciation: ("Z-ASS")
Symbol: A blood-splattered envelope
Suggested Domains: Knowledge, Trickery, Twilight
Other Titles: the Whispered One, the Shadowed Voice

Zaas is a greater deity of secrets.
